Klinik at the Greinberg
The Klinik at the Greinberg is a pediatric mental health hospital that is operated by the Unterfranken District in cooperation with the University Hospital Würzburg. The center offers 15 inpatient spaces for pediatric patients who suffer from psychological illnesses and are also afflicted with other severe developmental problems, are blind or deaf. Treatment involves psycho-education, psychotherapy, pharmaceuticals, and many ancillary therapies designed to improve movement, coordination, and behavior.
Ancillary Services
Psycho-education strives to teach patients a basic understanding of their condition, therapy options, and possible outcomes for their particular ailment in order to give them and their families agency. Behavioral and experiential training is provided through occupational therapy, parental training sessions, and milieu therapy. Social services counseling ensures that caregivers are supported and included in all decision-making.
Pediatric Mental Health Intensive Care Unit
The Intensive Care Unit serves pediatric patients who are a danger to themselves or others. The 14-bed unit unit is operated by the Unterfranken District in close cooperation with the University Hospital Würzburg. Patient to staff ratio is high to ensure optimal care for these patients; care that includes intensive therapy, close cooperation with the patients’ families and other responsible parties.
The most common admission diagnosis is suicidal tendencies. Other common diagnoses include severe stages of eating disorders, psychological crises, or depression. Admission is granted by request from the parents with judicial approval. After an initial intensive intervention period in a closed unit, continuing care can take place on an open floor or on an outpatient basis, if desired.